Random Gentoo Tips
If you are using Gentoo, here are some random tips, or more “how I use it”.
Emerge default opts
In make.conf
, set: EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--alert --quiet-build=y -v"
First, --alert
makes sure that your terminal window gets raised (depending on your window
manager) to notifiy you that some operation is complete. -v
makes sure that emerge will
always print what it is going to do, so that you can intervene with Ctrl+C if needed.
disables printing the compile output (because who needs that, seriously?).
Instead, it will just show which package is currently beinge merged.
Make sure to install eix
, for much easier searching in the portage tree. Run
after installation, then run eix keyword
to search for packages about a topic,
eix -cA keyword
for abbreviated output or eix -I
to match only packages that are installed.
The default coloring of eix sucks though; you may want to set: export BG1=none BG2=none BG3=none
Install gentoolkit
to get explanations of USE flags on the fly, e.g.: equery u mpv
tags: linux