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Random Gentoo Tips

September 22, 2024 — ~liron

If you are using Gentoo, here are some random tips, or more “how I use it”.

Emerge default opts

In make.conf, set: EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--alert --quiet-build=y -v"

First, --alert makes sure that your terminal window gets raised (depending on your window manager) to notifiy you that some operation is complete. -v makes sure that emerge will always print what it is going to do, so that you can intervene with Ctrl+C if needed. --quiet-build=y disables printing the compile output (because who needs that, seriously?). Instead, it will just show which package is currently beinge merged.


Make sure to install eix, for much easier searching in the portage tree. Run eix-sync after installation, then run eix keyword to search for packages about a topic, eix -cA keyword for abbreviated output or eix -I to match only packages that are installed.

The default coloring of eix sucks though; you may want to set: export BG1=none BG2=none BG3=none


Install gentoolkit to get explanations of USE flags on the fly, e.g.: equery u mpv

tags: linux